"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "eth_sendBundle",
"params": [
txs, // Array[String], A list of signed transactions to execute in an atomic bundle, list can be empty for bundle cancellations
blockNumber, // (Optional) String, a hex-encoded block number for which this bundle is valid. Default, current block number
revertingTxHashes, // (Optional) Array[String], A list of tx hashes that are allowed to revert or be discarded
droppingTxHashes, // (Optional) Array[String], A list of tx hashes that are allowed to be discarded, but may not revert
replacementUuid, // (Optional) String, any arbitrary string that can be used to replace or cancel this bundle
refundPercent, // (Optional) Number, the percentage (from 0 to 99) of the ETH reward of the last transaction, or the transaction specified by refundIndex, that should be refunded back to the ‘refundRecipient’
refundTxHashes, // (Optional) Array[String], An array of transaction hashes used to determine the refund. If not provided or left empty, the refund will be based on the final transaction in the bundle.
refundRecipient, // (Optional) Address, the address that will receive the ETH refund. Default, sender of the first transaction in the bundle
N.B.: If the refundPercent field is set, the builder will construct a refund transaction automatically. However, if the refund amount does not cover the cost of the transaction (i.e., gas_used * base_fee), the bundle will be discarded.
ETH reward of the last transaction in the bundle = (150k x 100 Gwei) = 15,000 Gwei
ETH reward after transfer transaction fees = 15000 - (21k x 50 Gwei) = 13,950 Gwei
Refund amount = 0.9 x 13,950 Gwei = 12,555 Gwei
Sponsored Bundles
Our builder supports Sponsored Bundles. If we receive a bundle that fails with LackOfFundForGasLimit error, we will automatically send the ETH required to cover the gas fees and value transfer for the transaction to succeed.
The caveat here is that the bundle must of course increase the builder balance, as we will need to recoup this sponsoring cost with the bundle’s execution.